Mobile Application Development Consulting
CodeFab is the partner you want if mobile is in your future. A New York City based independent consulting firm with a 15 year history and roots in Wall Street and NeXT, CodeFab has long defined the cutting edge for innovative clients big and small.
Our clients have included Barnes & Noble, ThinkEco,,, CW, Lippencott, SunGard-Kiodex,, and major cable and global media companies illustrating our range of small mobile startups to large corporations. We work closely with interactive partners such as R/GA, Mad.House, MGX Lab, Blipp Media, SunGard, and Kurani Interactive.
Over the last three years we have created dozens of apps for our clients, from B&N’s highly popular NOOK series for iPhone and iPad, Forbes Intelligent Investor, Muhammad Ali’s Jabs app, iGGRESSION, Cook Chinese, Marquis Jet, and apps for Elle, Modern Luxury, and the CW to name a few.
CodeFab is the host of an annual New York based DevCamp hack-a-thon in which developers, graphic designers, and sponsors come together for a weekend of competitive application developing. Drawing over 100 attendees in 2010 and 2011, the DevCamp was hosted by AOL in their NYC headquarters and was sponsored by firms like Time, Inc, Barnes&Noble, Square and Flurry.
CodeFab is helmed by Alex Cone, officially CEO and Alpha Geek, who started his coding career at NASA, moved to Wall Street trading systems and as an incurable entrepreneur, has been a founder of a number of start-ups, including Objective Technologies, ThoughtPort, Medialets and CodeFab. He has been a speaker at technology summits and on radio shows, and has actively participated in numerous international conferences speaking on enterprise mobile development and security.
Keywords: Apple iOS iPhone iPad Mobile Cocoa